You have read many times in various articles about the dangers of a dirty mattress, but unfortunately, you have not taken this issue seriously and have not looked for solutions to clean it. Even if you cannot clean the mattress properly yourself, it is better to ask for help from mattress cleaning service Dubai companies like Judux. Always remember that your health is a priority. Join us in this article:
Failure to Read the Manual
In the manuals that come with the mattresses, explanations are given about their fibers and textures. If you do not read it and start cleaning the mattress, you will definitely damage it.
Use Strong Detergents
Know that you don’t need to use strong detergents to clean mattresses, sometimes you can clean it with a multi-purpose vacuum cleaner because strong detergents will destroy the fiber texture of your mattress.
Not Testing
If you are using a new disinfectant solution to clean your mattress, do not spray it on the mattress at once because that solution may not be suitable for your mattress.
Use of Sharp Tools
There is a misconception that sometimes dirt should be removed by scraping. We strongly advise you to avoid doing this.
Not Repair
If your mattress is torn, it is better to repair it before cleaning. Failure to pay attention to tears causes the tear surface to increase during cleaning.
Do Not Dry
One of the worst mistakes is not letting your mattress dry completely after cleaning. By doing this, you will create a suitable environment for mold to grow.
Failure to Pay Attention to the Cleanliness of the Mattress
Many people think that mattresses are one of the devices that do not need to be cleaned, we must say that this is one of the things that will reduce the life of your mattress.
Using Inappropriate Methods
We suggest you first read the methods of cleaning the mattress and then start cleaning it.
No Use of Protective Layers
Many people do not use protective layers of the mattress, and this will cause your mattress to get dirty very quickly and get an inappropriate look.
Using a Large Amount of Detergent
I hope you are not one of those people who think that using more detergents leads to better cleaning.
Contact Judux hygiene solutions for more.
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